How To: Speed Up Your Invisalign Treatment

March 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentforlife @ 1:52 pm

Although Invisalign boosts an impressive 12 to 18-month average treatment timeline, it’s only natural for patients to want to see their results even sooner. After all, who wants to wait longer than necessary to achieve their smile goals? While there isn’t necessarily a way to speed up your Invisalign treatment, there are several best practices that can help you avoid delays and stay on-track with your timeline. To learn what they are, read on!

1. Use Your Chewies

Along with your first set of aligners, you likely got a few other goodies, like a storage case, cleaning crystals, and chewies. At first, you may pay no mind to them. However, they serve a very important purpose: they help seat your aligners in place. Chewing on them for a few minutes after you put your trays back in will ensure they are in the proper position, helping your teeth track exactly as they should.

2. Wear Your Aligners as Much as Possible

Invisalign patients are encouraged to wear their aligners for a minimum of 20 hours a day. Of course, the more you wear them, the better they work! So, aim for higher, like 22 hours a day. Meeting this goal is much easier with the help of the Invisalign app, which has a built-in timer that helps you track your wear time. Getting into a routine is also essential, like dedicating 30 minutes for breakfast, 30 minutes for lunch, and 45 minutes for dinner. That even leaves 15 minutes for snacks throughout the day!

3. Implement a Solid Oral Hygiene Regimen

Remember, your aligners won’t protect your teeth from cavities. If you do develop tooth decay, your dentist will likely need to put your treatment on hold until the root of the problem has been addressed. The good news is that you can help prevent that from happening by implementing a solid oral hygiene routine, which should include best practices like brushing and flossing after each meal.

4. Use the Right Products to Clean Your Aligners

In short, your aligners are durable, not indestructible. As a result, harsh chemicals, like bleach, should never be used to clean your aligners. In fact, even hot water can warp their shape! That’s why it’s so important that you treat your trays with care, only using the recommended products to clean them. To keep yours in pristine condition, simply use lukewarm water and a soft-bristled toothbrush. If they begin to discolor, then soak them in lukewarm water and a packet of the cleaning crystals that were provided in your welcome kit.

About the Practice

Patients in Lancaster, PA can turn to our team at Dentistry for Life for all of their dental needs – from six-month checkups to smile-transforming Invisalign! Dr. Jason Herres and Dr. Vincent Votilla are both highly trained, experienced, and caring dentists who have helped countless patients achieve their best smiles, and they’d love to do the same for you. If you would like to learn more about the Invisalign treatment process or you would like to schedule an appointment to get started, visit our website or call (717) 569-3911.

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