Can You Count on Over-the-Counter Whitening Products to Brighten Your Smile?

July 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentforlife @ 11:16 am
a woman with a bright smile due to professional teeth whitening

A bright smile is often associated with health, vitality, and beauty. That’s why there are so many over-the-counter products on the market now. It’s a big business with a big demand! But as you searched the isles and online websites, you may have wondered if they do what they really promise: whiten your teeth safely and effectively. Read on to learn the answer and what your dentist can do to help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

First Things First: Why Do Teeth Become Discolored?

Your pearly whites are made of different layers. The outer one is enamel, and it gives your teeth a white, shiny appearance. However, while incredibly strong, it is also porous. These little holes are susceptible to soaking in different staining components and changing the color of your smile. If you regularly consume deeply pigmented foods and drinks (such as coffee, wine, and tomato-based meals), your teeth can become dim over time. Additionally, enamel can just wear down over time from natural aging and teeth grinding.

So, Can Over-the-Counter Whitening Products Help?

Your teeth are not as bright as you’d like and now you are looking into buying some over-the-counter teeth whitening products. However, you wonder if they are the best route to take. Here’s a closer look at two of the most common products on the market:

Whitening Toothpaste

The grocery stores are filled with endless toothpaste options, many of them boasting of their whitening effects. While they offer a promise of a brighter smile, they are generally not recommended by most dental professionals. Not only are they likely to not make much of a difference in the appearance of your teeth, but they can even damage them! Since many of them contain harsh abrasives, they may remove some stains but harm your enamel in the process.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips have become increasingly popular in the last few decades. They contain bleaching chemicals, such as carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, which have been proven to help eliminate stains. However, the downside is that they can oftentimes lead to tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

The Best Route to Take for a Whiter Smile

As with most things in life, it’s best to go the professional route when trying to whiten your teeth. Your dentist has special training and tools to not only vastly improve the discoloration, but also do it safely and with no side effects. They use a dental-grade bleaching gel and specialized technology to effortlessly turn your smile into a dazzling one! And, as a bonus, it’s done in much less time. If you choose to do an in-office treatment, you can expect a brighter grin of up to eight shades in less than two hours. For a little more time (about two weeks), you can whiten your teeth at home with custom trays. Unlike over-the-counter whitening strips, you will not suffer from any sensitivity or gum inflammation.

While a few over-the-counter whitening products can deliver some results, it’s best to visit your dentist for a professional whitening treatment. It is sure to keep your oral health and smile shining and healthy for years to come!

About the Practice

Dentistry for Life keeps the smiles of Lancaster healthy and beautiful through the expertise of its team of dentists. With a goal of improving your oral health as well as your overall well-being, they use advanced dental technology and personalized plans to help you achieve your dental goals. They offer a comprehensive range of services, including cosmetic dental treatments like in-office and at-home professional teeth whitening. To schedule a consultation, contact them through their website or call (717) 569-3911.

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